Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year


Dealing with Survivalist Bullies

January 1, 2011 - "Dealing with Survivalist Bullies" By Joseph Parish. During any gathering of multiple members of a group you will likely encounter a bully or two. With survivalist groups this could present its own specific types of difficulties especially during a time when smooth operations are absolutely necessary. Such behavior could endanger every member of the group and ultimately result in group failure unless measures are taken to either avoid those situations or to correct them as quickly as they are discovered. Click here

Friday, December 31, 2010

Another Natural Boundary

December 31, 2010 - "Another Natural Boundary" By Joseph Parish. Once again a reader has expressed concern over being able to protect ones retreat or homestead area with the least amount of force necessary. In all reality this is a very large order since anyone with a firm determination to get onto your land will eventually succeed. The main object that we are looking at here is to make it extremely uncomfortable for them to try. Click here

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lessons from South Korea

December 29, 2010 - "Lessons from South Korea" By Joseph Parish. In view of the recent escalation of hostilities involving North and South Korea the South Korean President announced that their nation’s survival hinged greatly upon the need for the people to stand firmly together. He stated that their very lives depended upon national unity and urged his countrymen to unit as one. Click here

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is your Bug out Vehicle EMP Proof?

December 28, 2010 - "Is your Bug out Vehicle EMP Proof?" By Joseph Parish. I have previously written articles which deal with EMP and the affect upon ones bug out vehicle. Yes folks, I am doing so once again. I spent the last few days researching additional information on this issue and have several more points to bring up to my readers. Click here

Monday, December 27, 2010

Our Christmas day Winter Storm

December 27, 2010 - "Our Christmas day Winter Storm" By Joseph Parish. Last winter season around this same time frame we received word of a potential severe winter storm heading our way. Thinking out of the box, we decided it would be best to head to North Carolina where the weather was more moderate. To make a long story short we loaded up the motor home and within hours we were heading south avoiding the winter blizzard that befell Delaware. Click here

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The value of a Fire Escape Rehearsal

December 26, 2010 - "The value of a Fire Escape Rehearsal" By Joseph Parish. Being a volunteer with the American Red Cross I have the opportunity to see first hand how devastating a home fire can be. Families frequently lose everything they own and on occasion a loved one as well. Knowing how damaging a fire can be to a family are you prepared for one? If there was a fire started within your house would you and your family feel confident in getting out on their own? Click here