Saturday, March 19, 2011


March 19, 2011 - "Hummm" Speaking of iodine I just heard that if you fear radiation poisoning, all you have to do is swap a little iodine on your skin. If it disappears after five minutes, then your skin absorbed it because your body needed it. If it's still there after five or ten minutes, then your body didn't need it and you can wash it off. I don't know if this is true or not. Anyone have an answer?

Emergency Bartering

March 19, 2011 - "Emergency Bartering" When a disaster occurs, either a natural one, or a man made one, supplies can be cut off or extremely limited in the affected area. When Hurricane Katrina swept through New Orleans in 2005, she not only devastated the city, she took away the supplies that the residents needed to survive. She took out the electrical systems as well—meaning that the residents that remained had to make due with the cash they had on hand to survive. Click here

Thursday, March 17, 2011

No KI on the Pharmacy shelves

March 17, 2011 - "No KI on the Pharmacy shelves" By Joseph Parish. With the horrible chain of events which have taken place in Japan and the possibility of the fallout reaching the shores of America, the pharmaceutical firms have rapidly depleted their supplies of Potassium Iodide available to the public. Granted the federal government may have a supply waiting in their storage for dire emergencies but if you are like I am you don’t wish to depend upon the government. Click here

Deciding what food to store up on

March 17, 2011 - "Deciding what food to store up on" By Joseph Parish. With being so close to taking possession of our new mini-farm the one thing that is foremost on our minds is completing our emergency food storage requirements. Our goal for the remainder of this year is to increase our supply once again to a year’s level. Over the years I have stressed to all the people that I meet of the importance of properly accumulating a sufficient supply of food for emergency purposes. Usually when I suggest this to a friend I am questioned on what to store up on. click here

Can you live without these bills

March 17, 2011 - "Can you live without these bills?" By Joseph Parish. We all are trying to trim the fat from our budget and get along with what we earn as wage workers but just where can we begin to cut costs in order to save money? With the cost of living rising and the price of gas soaring out of control, we need to seriously consider a few cuts in unnecessary items. Here is a short list to get you started. Click here

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dollar Tree Store Survival Supplies for March

March 16, 2011 - "Dollar Tree Store Survival Supplies for March" Here are a few items that might be worth adding to the families survival kit. These are readily available from the "Dollar Tree" store. Click here

Solar Conversion of our Homestead

March 16, 2011 - "Solar Conversion of our Homestead" By Joseph Parish. As the time begins to draw closer for our move to the homestead, I find myself thinking about the various projects which lie ahead for me. We have the fruit trees to plant, a garden to start along with a host of addition important functions to get accomplished. One of my initial goals will be to get a 12 volt lighting system installed which will operate from rechargeable batteries. Click here

Squash Vine Borers Signs of Squash Vine Borer Damage and How to Control It

March 16, 2011 - "Squash Vine Borers Signs of Squash Vine Borer Damage and How to Control It" By Marie Iannotti. Question: Squash Vine Borers - Signs of Squash Vine Borer Damage and How to Control It. My squash plants looked fine yesterday. Today they’re wilting and watering hasn’t helped. What happened? Click here