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August 29, 2009 - "The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (S. 773)" This bill up for vote at this time will grant Obama the power to shut down internet as well as to ignore current laws. Click here
August 28, 2009 - "Coping with Survival Stress" By Joseph Parish. We are all feeling the bite from the economic changes which are taking place in every phase of our lives. These changes are particularly evident when we are laying the framework for our emergency survival plans. These unexpected changes can be some of the most stressful times especially when combined with the current state of the country. Add to your discontents the government’s response to specific actions, the unemployment situation, a possible disaster or the potential death of a loved one and your life can become very devastated. Click here
August 26, 2009 - "Beekeeping Information from the Delaware Extension Service" Today we have a small selection of publications which comes from the University of Delaware Extension Services. These publications deal with the subject of Bees and Beekeeping. I hope that you find something of value here. Publications are in PDF format. Click here
August 26, 2009 - "It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the problem here" By Joseph Parish. Since the White House now it projecting a much larger deficit then previously expected they are acting surprised and amazed. It appears that the only people who had no clue that we had an exploding deficit were those who were generating this debt to begin with. White House officials have finally admitted that the upcoming fiscal statistics are much bleaker than those initially estimated by the Obama administration. Click here
August 25, 2009 - "Utah State Publications on Food Storage" by Joseph Parish. We all realize the value of having a sufficient food storage selection. Emergency tend to pop up at just about anytime and usually when we least expect them. The University of Utah Extension Service has generously provided Delmarva Survival Training with the following PDF publications to help us on our way. Click here
August 24, 2009 - "Ordering a Pizza in 2012 Under the New Healthcare Reform" Can this be what we are up to seeing in the future? Click here
August 24, 2009 - "An open letter to Gordon Brown" By Joseph Parish. I have but a single question to relate to you Mr. Brown. Would you still be so quick to push for the release of the Lockerbie bomber if the 270 lives aboard the flight were British instead of American? I tend to doubt so. Therefore it certainly appears that you place little value in American life. Click here
August 23, 2009 - "Habanera Peppers and saving the seeds" By Joseph Parish. A recent conversation with a close friend revealed his concern about saving vegetable seeds in the event of a world wide collapse in the infrastructure. His major concern was the saving of non hybrid type seeds. I explained to him that there are currently several rather large storage facilities which specialize only in saving these heirloom seeds in the event of disasters. Click here