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January 8, 2011 - "Be Safe during the Blizzards" By Joseph Parish. In view of the recent blizzard that struck the eastern seaboard it appears that a few precautions and safety tips are in order. While I was safety nestled in my home and did not have to needlessly venture out into the foul weather many people are not as fortunate and must travel to work or other destinations. Click here
January 7, 2010 - "Dead Birds and Dead Fish Everywhere" By Joseph Parish. We’ve all hear by now about the hundreds of Louisiana starlings which have fallen dead from the sky recently. These dead birds littered approximately a quarter mile of highway within Pointe Coupee Parish. Although the state biologists are still working around the clock to determine the exact cause of death to the 500 plus birds the latest explanation hinges on the concept that fireworks were the culprit of bird death this New Year. Click here
January 5, 2011 - "Help for your Friends" Help your friends prepared for what may lie ahead. Get the word out for the website. Tell your friends and family members about us and let's try hard to increase our numbers. Help those you care about to be able to take care of themselves.
January 5, 2010 - "Have Raunchy videos crossed the Line" By Joseph Parish. I have been closely following with a keen interest the events which have centered around the “raunchy videos” which were produced on the aircraft carrier Enterprise created by Captain Owen Honors. Yes folks, it’s the same US Navy F-14 Tomcat Top Gun pilot who flew over Afghanistan during wartime. To be honest with everyone the Captain handles stress in a similar manner as I do with a sense of humor. Click here
January 5, 2011 - "Dealing with Gardening Pests" By Joseph Parish. As we sit in our warm homes this winter there is no better time than to brush up on a few gardening hints and secrets. It helps to pass the time and allows us the opportunity to perhaps learn a few new tricks of the trade that we did not know previously. Click here
January 4, 2010 - "The Attitude" By Joseph Parish. In the past several months I have written several articles involving around the psychological and emotional aspects of bugging out. I would like to include in that list this discourse on attitudes. Click here
January 3, 2011 - "Daily Survival E-book" On my terabyte drive I have a wealth of survival and self sufficiency information just waiting to be devoured by my readers. Each of us owes it to not only ourselves but to our families to take whatever precautions which are necessary to ensure our survival during a time of total collapse of the infrastructure. click here