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October 30, 2010 - "Now’s the time to get ready for Winter Weather" By Joseph Parish. The temperatures are slowly getting cooler with each passing evening and that means it would be a good time to prepare for winter weather. We are currently being forecast with extreme cold weather in the upcoming months. Locations such as the Pacific Northwest have been predicted to have a colder then normal season while our southern states may be warmer and much dryer then they usually are. The various threats for different areas of the nation leaves no doubt that everyone regardless of where they reside will get a healthy dose of winter weather. Click here
October 30, 2010 - "Dealing with Poison Ivy" By Joseph Parish. Now that the autumn season has descended upon us we find that we are more inclined to take a brisk walk and enjoy a bit of nature. The various state forests and parks are excellent places to visit this time of year. The children have an opportunity to observe nature’s yearly metamorphous as the trees and plants start to turn in color. Click here
October 29, 2010 - "Homeschooling for the survivalist" By Joseph Parish. Homeschooling is rapidly becoming an accepted activity for survivalist these days. It embodies an excellent alternative to the public school system and provides a one on one learning environment for impressionable children. It is also a wonderful way to promote bonding between the child and the parent. One of the largest advantages of homeschooling lies in the parent’s ability to structure the student’s classes to match their abilities. If you happen to be a parent who would find homeschooling beneficial for your children read on. Click here
October 28, 2010 - "Changing the Air Filter in your BOV" By Joseph Parish. There is plenty of maintenance that you can readily accomplish yourself on your bug-out vehicle. In many cases a family will not have a separate BOV but must incorporate the family SUV or sedan as their primary BOV when the time draw near. Having the knowledge and skills needed to take care of your own vehicle will likely come in handy when you are traveling to your survival retreat and encounter mechanical problems along the road. Click here
October 28, 2010 - "Last Days on Earth" The Last Days on Earth was a science special which aired on ABC in August 2006 and since then has been aired on The History Channel. The movie counts down the seven most likely ways in which the world could end including gamma ray bursts, machine rule, asteroids, super volcanoes, nuclear war, pandemic flu, and global warming. Click here
October 27, 2010 - "When War is Inevitable" By Joseph Parish. There is much that a survivalist can learn from Sun Tzu’s book entitled “The Art of War’. The field manual was created specifically as a basic text for conducting and winning battles which ultimately would lead to conquest within the war. It would be virtually impractical for me to portray the entire contents of Sun’s manuscript in this short span of space allocated for my article. If the ideas presented here are of interest to you, I would recommend reading it in its entirety. Click Here.
October 27, 2010 - "Obama Authorizes 80,000 Refuges to Enter Country" By Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. President Barack Hussein Obama, in a determination letter to Congress, has announced that he will allow an additional 80,000 immigrants mostly from Islamic countries to resettle in the United States during fiscal year 2011. Mr. Obama says that the increase in Muslim immigrants is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest. Click here
October 26, 2010 - "The Get out of Dodge Emergency Fund" By Joseph Parish. There you are folks, you have the BOV all loaded up and you are actively watching the news to investigate what actions are taking place in real time. Perhaps the expected hurricane will shift slightly to the right causing it to completely miss your neck of the woods. Or on the other hand it may target its high destructive winds and violent forces directly towards your location. Either way you are packed and prepared to go at a moments notice, or are you? Click here
October 25, 2010 - "Returning from the Dead" By Joseph Parish. As I glanced at the internet news sources, I read with renewed interest an article which I chanced upon dealing with the issue of extinction. It appears that although the environmental conservationists have designated specific species of animals as prone to extinction they have never-the-less been discovering these same animals alive and roaming joyously in various parts of the globe. Click here
October 24, 2010 - "Beware of Bottle Bombs" By Joseph Parish. Please take heed of this safety announcement and inform all your friends and relatives. Perhaps you may have already been notified of this concern, but I have just been informed and wanted to pass the information on to my readers. Once again it is a sad moment that such smart people often tunnel their intelligence in such a destructive manner by taking common household items and making them into something dangerous. With the Halloween holiday quickly approaching I would like to warm people about the hazards of bottle bombs or as they are often known “the Works Bomb”. Click here