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September 25, 2010 - "The Child Spirit" By Joseph Parish. Here is a little short fiction I wrote to pass the time. The streets of Singapore were exceptionally silent as the hands of my watch revealed it was now two AM. The usual shops that are typically so active in the daytime were now long closed while the areas nighttime activities were also drawing to a close. One would only sporadically encounter another person on the street and the solitary movements noticed were a few abandoned cats sneaking around for discarded garbage, hoping for a morsel of fish or a small sliver of meat. Click here
September 25, 2010 - "Countering Unproductive Behavior of Survival Group Members" By Joseph Parish. There are many dangerous and potentially disturbing situations that could crop up during any survival groups related setting. Teamwork means exactly as it say where everyone works together for the benefit of the project. Unfortunately, that would be true only if we lived in a perfect world and we all realize that is certainly not the case, so we are prone to discover various pitfalls as we deal with others. Click here
September 24, 2010 - "Reading between the lines" By Joseph Parish. The principles of survival may be based upon certain textbook rules but Mother Nature and America’s enemies don’t always cooperate and follow those same established rules as we learn in class. The major hurricane which is heading rapidly up the eastern seaboard may unrepentantly turn inwards and head directly towards our home and family. The foreign terrorist agents of destruction might unload their wrath upon a busy metropolis where we are about to partake in a summer vacation. What can we do in situations as these? Click here
September 24, 2010 - "Survival Food Dehydrating" By Joseph Parish. The art of drying food is one of the world’s oldest methods conceived to preserve food in times of plenty for moments of need. From ages long ago people have reliably used the sun, wind, or a smoking fire to remove water from various fruits, grains, herbs and meats. By its very definition, the concept of food dehydration is listed as the process of removing liquid from a food by the use of circulating hot air around it. Click here
September 23, 2010 - "Update to Chemistry Library" I just updated the Chemistry library and it now contains a vast number of volumes. Click here
September 19, 2010 - "Dems to voters You may hate us but GOP is worse" By Charles Babington. With just six weeks to avoid a possible election catastrophe, Democrats are trying to limit the damage with a closing argument that's more plea than platform: We know you voters are furious with us, but just let us explain why the Republicans would be worse. Click here
September 19, 2010 - "Gypsy Rights" By Joseph Parish. The scene between Germany and France bares a marked resemblance to the episodes which occurred prior to the World War II events of Adolph Hitler, as he began his ethnic cleansing of Germany. The Roma’s or as they are know worldwide by the name of Gypsies, have traditionally traveled from one nation to another requiring no passport what so ever. Click here
September 19, 2010 - "Expelled for a toy Gun" By Joseph Parish. Once again the lack of common sense has shown that wisdom of those in charge has been dropped by the wayside. I am speaking of the incident where an 8 year old child has been expelled for playfully taking a toy gun to school in his backpack. Click here