Saturday, September 4, 2010

Homestead Emergency Tips for your Livestock

September 4, 2010 - "Homestead Emergency Tips for your Livestock" By Joseph Parish. So you thought you were safe when you bugged out to your emergency retreat location unfortunately you are not out of the tragedy yet. Your livestock is still in danger of elimination as a result of the upcoming emergency. It only stands to reason that suitable plans must be proposed in advance to deal with your farm animal population if and when an urgent situation occurs. Click here

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lightning Safety

September 3, 2010 - "Lightning Safety" By Joseph Parish. Glancing at the evening weather report I see that we are once again in a thunder storm warning. Although this is a common summer time occurrence it is still something to be concerned about. It has been said that at anytime one can count over 2000 thunderstorms alive and active somewhere around the globe. Click here

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Inland Sussex County Delaware Hurricane Watch

September 2, 2010 - "Inland Sussex County Delaware Hurricane Watch" By Joseph Parish. It was bound to happen sooner or later as we have simply been living on borrowed time. Our county and state are currently in a hurricane watch in anticipation of hurricane Earl. Click here

Homemade Laundry Soap

September 2, 2010 - "Homemade Laundry Soap" By Joseph Parish. Are you seeking a practical means of allowing your weekly budget to breathe a little easier? Does it appear that you simply can not save a little extra from one paycheck to another after purchasing all your household necessities? If this is your case then perhaps you can preserve a few dollars by way of manufacturing your own laundry soap. Click here

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pam’s Bread Custard Pudding

September 1, 2010 - "Pam’s Bread Custard Pudding" By Joseph Parish. When my wife makes us fresh baked bread on a daily basis we often discover that it is too much for a family of three to eat. As such it only makes good cost effective sense to find alternate methods in which to utilize this left over bread. Generally our freshly prepared bread will be usable for its anticipated purpose for a period of several days after it has been made, however beyond that time frame it slowly begins to deteriorate and get stale. Click here

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gas Masks

August 31, 2010 - "Gas Masks" The Gas Mask sale is back. These are Belgium Military Gas Masks complete with Mask, Canister Filter and Carrying case. Supplies are limited so get them quick. Click here

A Matter of Benjamin’s

August 31, 2010 - "A Matter of Benjamin’s" By Joseph Parish. When hurricane Katrina assaulted the city of New Orleans there can be no doubt that along with the large scale destruction laid in its path, a greater moral disaster was becoming evident. At the conclusion of the storm it had caused immeasurable amounts of destruction to Louisiana’s most popular regional city. The hurricane thundered onto the coast in August of 2005. This crisis not only generated enormous amounts of damage to property but ultimately affected the lives of many low income people. These inhabitants of the “Big Easy” were not merely displaced by this phenomenon but literally uprooted from their homes to be eventually forgotten. Click here

Using code words

August 31, 2010 - "Using code words" By Joseph Parish. In the future when the balloon goes up it always helps to be able to catch aggressors or invaders by surprise when necessary. I look at the situation as if it is either them or me. I would rather catch them napping then they in turn discover my family and I unprepared. Plain text language would often reveal your intentions to any evil doer that may want your supplies or even worse to harm your loved ones. In place of that my family and I have devised a series of code words which indicate certain actions that should be accomplished immediately. Click here

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Last Broadcast

August 30, 2010 - "The Last Broadcast" Here is another treat for tonight. This is a radio play set in the 1980s about a theoretical nuclear war. This was created as a school project. All voices are those of students. It can make us stop and think. Click here

World War III

August 30, 2010 - "World War III" World War III is a thought provoking look at an alternate ending of the Cold War. Compiled largely from TV news pictures and military videos from the period, World War III cleverly combines this footage in a convincing manner to give the illusion that what is depicted actually took place. A bit dated but still very much relevant. Click here

Changing flavor with Spices

August 30, 2010 - "Changing flavor with Spices" By Joseph Parish. Well folks it’s that time again when we do our inventory of emergency food supplies. We check all our dehydrated number 10 cans to make sure they are still in a serviceable condition and count how many of each we have stored up. We then take a close look at our normal canned foods to ensure that they are still in an edible way, no rusty or dented cans of any sort. Click here