Thursday, November 26, 2009

Flavored Oatmeal

November 26, 2009 - "Flavored Oatmeal" By Joseph Parish. One of the best survival breakfasts that a person can have is oatmeal. Oatmeal provides a good nutritious meal for your body and the cost per serving is very budget minded. The only problem with oatmeal is that it becomes very bla after a while with the usual flavor. Click here

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Winter Bug Out

November 25, 2009 - "Winter Bug Out" By Joseph Parish. Let us now continue our train of thought on using campers as bug out retreats or possible BOV extensions. As with any emergency scenario it is impossible for us to select the perfect circumstances and time when a crisis will occur. Generally these situations will be beyond our control. It could happen in the summer or during a time when ole man winter is kicking up a storm. Click here