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February 19, 2011 - "Vegetable Gardening" A class will be held on Thursday March 10, 2011 at 11 AM in the Carvel Meeting Room 3 in the Elbert N. and Ann V. Carvel Research and Education Center 16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947, the Presenter for this class will be Linda Peters, Master Gardner. there is no cost for this class. The class will discuss the basics of starting the garden from scratch and will cover topics such as: location, soil, fertilizing, watering, etc. This workshop is a good basic discussion for new gardeners and a good review for experienced gardeners. Register here.
February 19, 2011 - "The Big Mistake" By Joseph Parish. As life may have it, my wife and I attended the Thursday afternoon, “Planning/Journaling in the Garden” presentation provided by the folks at our friendly Sussex County Master Gardeners. Click here
February 18, 2011 - "Tips to Improve Your Strawberry Banana Smoothie" By Joseph Parish. Having survived the youthful desires of three young boys and now raising another thirteen year old, I have come to believe that I should have invested in the smoothie ingredient companies many years ago. I remember clearly our weekly visits to the fast food locations to grab one of these favorite drinks. Click here
February 17, 2011 - "CD's are available Now" Due to many requests we have created several CD's with some of the free e-books, etc from the website and others which have not been placed on the site previously. we have tried to make the CD's as cost affective as we possibly can. All CD's completely comply with all US copyright laws and come to you with a laser printed label on them telling you what the title is. we do not use a magic marker and write the title on it. To me this looks crude and unprofessional. Click here
February 17, 2011 - "Planning and Journaling in the Garden" At 1 PM on Thursday February 17, 2011 in the Elbert N. and Ann V. Carvel Research and Education Center 16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947, Carvel Meeting Room 3, Jessica Clark will be holding a free gardening program to help in your planning of your physical garden. Garden is more than obtaining a soil sample, adding compost and fertilizer, planting in the right seasons. Your garden should be a place where the feeling of your hands in the dirt offers a deep, primordial connection with the earth, where you learn what can work for you in the physical garden and where it can work for you in your emotional garden as you journal your thoughts and feelings in the peaceful oasis that you create. Bring a notebook, some photos of your garden, and some ideas. We will be using some ideas from "Digging Deep" by Fran Sorin. Hope to see you there. Register here.
February 17, 2011 - "Modern Acorn Soup" By Joseph Parish. Most people who know me understand that I have a great deal of respect for the Native American and their ability to survive under adverse conditions. They have managed to make use of what they have readily available at hand while wasting nothing in the process. If there were ever one group of natural survivors it would have to be the native tribes of North America. Click here
February 16, 2011 - "Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies" By Joseph Parish. The other evening my wife and I were out and about and we stopped briefly to grab some refreshments. Apparently the owner of the shop were we stopped had a daughter who was a girl scout for we could readily see box after box of the Girl Scout Cookies stacked and awaiting purchase. Naturally after my wife caught the Girl Scout logo on them she quickly made her way to the counter. Click here
February 16, 2011 - "Bicycles and Prepping" By Haystacks Theobald, Townsend Prepper. I guess this particular AHA moment was inevitable. Having been an avid bicyclist for many years and an active prepper for two years or so now, it was natural for me to eventually connect these two dots. I won’t get into the role bicycles play in physical fitness or the lessened environmental impacts they make, no, those are related but are side benefits outside our primary focus here. From a pure prep / survival perspective, the bicycle will be invaluable. Click here
February 15, 2011 - "Raising a Portion of your Food" By Joseph Parish. Have you taken notice of the increased emphasis being expressed upon raising your home food lately? We now see weekly articles in the home section of our Sunday newspaper, we view television shows which stress the value in growing our own agricultural products and we often hear our neighbors talking amongst themselves as to their springtime plans for small garden plots. All over we see and hear new revelations about home food production. Click here
February 15, 2011 - "Quick Hippy Bread" By Joseph Parish. Growing up in the 60’s was really a rather beneficial experience for me. Not only did it afford me an opportunity to become a bit self reliant but it also gave me the background needed to feel secure in any endeavor which I undertook. In those days money was not a very plentiful asset and I often found it necessary to skimp on living expenses. Here is the result of one of my best means of saving money. click here
February 14, 2011 - "The Turkey Class" By Joseph Parish. Once again I openly encourage people to take advantage of the free educational opportunities which our various state governments so readily supply. In this case it was a course provided by the Delaware Department of Fish and Wildlife. The particular class which I attended was the “Turkey Hunting Class”. This is a state mandated course for anyone wishing to hunt for turkey in the state of Delaware. Click here
February 13, 2011 - "Raising Garlic" By Joseph Parish. My wife and I recently attended a seminar on Growing Garlic sponsored by our state agriculture services. Needless to say we had placed some cloves of garlic in pots just a week earlier only to discover that every step of the way we were wrong in what we had done. It’s amazing what you can learn from a get together session. In this short article I would like to pass on some of the information which we gain from the class. Click here