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December 3, 2010 - "Safe Driving in Ice and Snow" By Joseph Parish. Many people wrongfully believe that when adverse weather conditions are upon us that they can continue to drive the same as they would during normal weather. Their thoughts on the subject are, “I have good tires and my car is in excellent mechanical shape so there’s nothing to fear.” Well I really hate to bust these people’s bubbles however they should change their driving habits for safe maneuvering during winter weather. Click here
December 3, 2010 - "Shoveling Snow the Proper way" By Joseph Parish. Here we are already with number three of our “Winter Awareness Month” articles. One of the realities of approaching winter time weather is the accumulation of snow. Every season after a snow downfall occurs we see people out shoveling snow and breaking up ice accumulations from their sidewalks and driveways. Let’s get real here, this kind of activity is hard work and not everyone is likely to be in shape to do these actions. Click here
December 3, 2010 - "How to survive a Snow Storm" By Joseph Parish. In continuation of our community “Winter Awareness Month” articles, I would like to present this short entry on surviving snow storms. The CDC has provided the American public with loads of data and publications which deal with surviving extreme cold conditions as usually found with winter snow storms. They have created several guides in order to promote ones personal health and safety. I highly recommend visiting them and selecting a few of these valuable documents to read in your spare time. Click here
December 3, 2010 - "Winter Survival Tips" By Joseph Parish. It doesn’t matter which state you reside in when living up north, when the winter months arrive proper actions must be taken to assure that you will survive the season in a safe and fruitful manner. Since the state of Delaware does not have an official “Winter Awareness Month” and in view of the seriousness of winter safety, I am declaring that my website is dedicating the month of December to winter awareness. Click here
December 3, 2010 - "The Reality of Bio-Terror" By Joseph Parish. Few people realize that emergency medicine is a function of our homeland security agencies. In today’s fearful world it has been determined by a congressional committee that our greatest threat is not so much nuclear as it is biological weapons. Click here
December 2, 2010 - "Louis Zamperini Inspirations" By Joseph Parish. We would all like to have a nice large, comfortable yacht however if it’s like my situation the pocket book simply can’t handle the cost. On the other hand we might even want to purchase our own small aircraft. Although this idea may perhaps be a bit closer to reality it is still far from the confines of my budget. In either case we could under the right circumstances find ourselves stranded on the open sea for days at a time. In my area of the country it is not unusual during the summer months to hear on the evening news how a small craft was missing in the ocean. Possibly several days later that same craft is fortunately discovered with the occupants alive and safe. Click here
December 2, 2010 - "It’s going to Get Worse" By Joseph Parish. I turned on the television set last night just in time to catch the evening news. Once again I hear how bad our economy is getting and wonder just how low it can drop before it starts to level out. Wars worldwide eating up our budget, vast numbers of unemployed American’s with no means of support, crime jumping out of bounds and government spending as if we had unlimited funds. The United States simply can not continue to survive fruitfully under these circumstances, something must be done. click here
December 2, 2010 - "After the BOV Died" By Joseph Parish. Well folks the balloon has finally gone up and you quickly pack up your bug out vehicle and secured your home the best that you can. You grab up the young ones and you and the wife jump into the car and you are off towards your destination. The goal is now to get safely to the survival retreat where you and your family will be safe. Click here
December 1, 2010 - "Automobile Survival Supplies" By Joseph Parish. Disasters continually arrive upon our doorstep disguised behind a variety of types and severity. Usually we take delivery of these potentially devastating conditions with no prior warning as to the potential emergency before it happens. When these sudden impacts strike us suddenly we as individuals and as responsible communities must be prepared up to and including the appropriate survival kits. Click here
December 1, 2010 - "Outdoor Survival Skills" Outdoor survival skills are extremely important if you should become lost or stranded out in the wilderness. Even when you do manage to find a water source you still need to know how to make that water safe for consumption. Filtering water is an important skill to master. Click here
December 1, 2010 - "Hints for Heating by Wood" By Joseph Parish. During the winter months few people ever complain at the aroma emitted from wood burning in a fireplace or wood stove. The very idea of using your fireplace around the holiday season adds a warm, radiant feeling to not only your home but to your emotional attitude as well. Nothing has a more calming effect then to sit in front of a lively fire with a family member and watch as the flames dances vividly around the hearth. I would always take my young grandson and sit on the floor in front of our fireplace for several hours at a time. The problem discovered here stems from the fact that not all wood is conditioned the same. This is the topic of today’s article. Click here
November 30, 2010 - "Pfc Bradley and a matter of Loyalty" By Joseph Parish. During the course of your military duties you take an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and to follow the lawful orders as instructed by your superiors. It is only common American courtesy that you would never release information which may be detrimental to your country let along dangerous and life threatening towards your fellow military members. Click here
November 30, 2010 - "Delaware’s Prisoner of War Camps" By Joseph Parish. Traditionally, the definition of a prisoner of war camp is a location for containment of combatants which have been captured by their enemy in a time of war. It is based similarly on the principles of an internment camp which would be used for the civilian population. Click here
November 30, 2010 - "Remote Viewing Scam or Savior" By Joseph Parish. I just finished viewing the movie “Inception” and the more I thought about the movie the more it hit me that although it is listed as a science fiction epic there are many similarities to the Governments Remote Viewing program code named Project Stargate. The plot of the store was that Dom Cobb who was a thief by trade specialized in the art of extraction. He would steal secrets from within the subconscious minds of his victim while in a dream state. Click here
November 30, 2010 - "DHS and ICE 2010 Power Grab" By Joseph Parish. Once again the American government has overstepped their acceptable bounds on personal rights. As survivalists this last violation should be especially important since it could begin affecting us directly. click here
November 30, 2010 - "Diverticulitous Digestive Disease and Tomatoes" By Joseph Parish. Several friends and I were discussing the types of crops that we typically like to plant in our summer time garden when the subject of the best choice for tomatoes intended for canning came up. With the planting season drawing quickly to a close this seemed to be the most prevalent topic on everyone’s lips. Naturally it was too late to make the decision for this year’s crop but it may very well be taken into consideration for next years garden varieties. Click here
November 29, 2010 - "Canning chicken breast" By Joseph Parish. When it comes to having a variety of emergency foods stored up for potential survival purposes meat is traditionally the hardest to accumulate. You can purchase chicken, ham and turkey in small tuna size cans but trust me they do not in any way compare to the taste nor the quality of home canned chicken breast. Click here
November 29, 2010 - "A Method for Food Storage Inventory" By Joseph Parish. Anyone who plans to create an ample food storage pantry can not do it fruitfully if they have no idea of what they are storing up on. You simply can not procure foods at random and expect to be properly prepared for emergencies. When you possess no means of tracking your numerous food purchases you are merely buying supplies with total disregard to what you may actually need. Click here
November 29, 2010 - "Will Korea Pull America and China into a Conflict?" By Joseph Parish. By now most people have heard of the conflict between North Korea and our Southern Korean Allies. North Korea has outwardly bombed a small island under South Korean control which adds to their list of over 30 episodes of war inducing situations. Click here
November 28, 2010 - "The facts relating to stored oil" By Joseph Parish. Think you are all prepared to handle any type of emergency? Does your food closet contain all the necessary foods and condiments needed to manage your family’s needs on a yearly program? One of the most frequent questions that I hear on a consistent basis is how long will my quarts of cooking oil last in my food storage provisions? Since there exists an extreme difficulty in properly storing fats or oils for long periods of time many articles and books on food storage frequently avoid discussions centered on the topic. Click here
November 28, 2010 - "Help Wanted!" We need help getting the word out for the website. Tell your friends and family members about us and let try hard to increase our numbers. Help those you care about to be able to take care of themselves.
November 28, 2010 - "Herbs in minutes" By Joseph Parish. I can clearly recall several of my past herb gardens and the parsley patch that was a purposeful part of it. Some experts contend that you may be able to obtain a better growth with your herbs if you gather them during the spring or summer to prevent them from blooming. Some people merely run out to their yard and gather whatever herbs they have a need for. These are the people who profess that fresh herbs are the only way to cook. They just gather and use the parsley as they need it. Click here
November 28, 2010 - "Pillory Use Returning?" By Joseph Parish. I was reading up on some of the history of Delaware recently when I encountered an example of the pillory being used in the state. I immediately stopped my reading and contemplated if perhaps crime would decrease if this invention were to come back into popular acceptance. Click here
November 28, 2010 - "The Draught Resistant Bean in Action" By Joseph Parish. The major staple of survivalist has been and will likely continue to be the bean. Beans are easy to store, they last a long time and provide the human body with vital energy. In any emergency pantry you will likely discover several different varieties of beans however, the one I am going to describe is generally lacking in most emergency supplies. Click here