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September 5, 2009 - "Baking Fresh Pumpkin Seeds" By Joseph Parish. The season is certainly upon us at this time of the year. You would find that there are few foods available that offer such a vast number of uses as the pumpkin. From this useful garden product you can create delightful pumpkin pies, delicious soup or some tasty pumpkin bread. For decoration during the Halloween season you can use it to craft an interesting lantern or use the seeds as a wonderful snack treat. My wife and I did not grow any sort of pie pumpkin this year however a friend was kind enough to provide us with a huge selection to work with. Not being one to waste valuable food we decided to make good use of this produce. Click here
September 4, 2009 - "Bug Out Exercise on a Budget" By Joseph Parish. Every survival conscious family should perform some sort of practice exercise several times per year. This is actually the only way that you will know if you are weak in an area of preparedness. Bugging out before an event occurs is not only a wise decision but essential to ensure your families safety. Click here
September 4, 2009 - "Broun warns of dictatorship" Congressman stays on message - freedom at risk. U.S. Rep. Paul Broun is again raising the specter of Democrats turning the United States into a totalitarian state. Broun, R-Athens, apparently has not changed his belief that President Obama may be a fascist since he made similar remarks in Augusta in November and then in an Associated Press interview. Click here
September 4, 2009 - "America: Freedom to Fascism (WAKE UP CALL!!!)" "The scariest goddamn film you'll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America - and about what it means to be an American - will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut; I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one." (Todd David Schwartz, CBS Radio). Click here
September 3, 2009 - "Creating Herbal Preparations – Part B" By Joseph Parish. During our last article on creating herbal preparations we covered such terms as compress, a cream, decoctions, infused oils, simple infusions, macerate, massage oils, and ointments. We covered several samples that could easily serve as the basis for your own creations. The basics are there and you merely need to learn the ins and outs of the herbs themselves. Click here
September 3, 2008 - "Parents upset over 'leftist propaganda' video" By Lisa Schencker. A school principal has apologized for showing a video at an assembly that a politically conservative group leader is calling "radical, leftist propaganda." Children at Eagle Bay Elementary School in Farmington were shown a short video called "I pledge" on Aug. 28. The video opens with an image of President Barack Obama and part of a speech in which he says, "Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other." The video then features celebrities making pledges about how they will help the president and the world -- and that's where some say the problem lies. Click here
September 3, 2009 - "UN chief visits 'doomsday' seed vault in Arctic" UN chief Ban Ki-moon visited Wednesday a vault carved into the Arctic permafrost, filled with samples of the world's most important seeds in case food crops are wiped out by a catastrophe. Click here
September 2, 2009 - "Creating Herbal Preparations – Part A" By Joseph Parish. It never hurts to have some knowledge of herbal preparations in the event that your local pharmacy is no longer available. You may be sitting back in your easy chair thinking that it may never happen, however these pharmacies are run by humans like you and I. In the event of an emergency you can rest assured that the people operating your local drug store will be home with their families. Click here
September 1, 2009 - "Backup Black Powder" By Joseph Parish. Let’s be realistic here for a moment and understand an important point concerning our future survival. If we are not properly prepared ahead of time there are simply no way we will be ready in the event of an emergency. We must prepare now for any crisis which may befall us when the infrastructure begins to break down. The preparations that we make now may seem like an endless chore but it certainly beats feeling regretful in the end. Click here
September 1, 2009 - "Books for Sale" I have the following books for sale. I accept PayPal for payment. Free shipping via media mail. Insurance extra if desired. If picking up items contact me for reduced price. Condition of books is listed for each one. Click here
August 31, 2009 - "LA Rep: ObamaCare Opponents Want to Destroy ‘First President Who Looks Like Me’" These comments were made at Thursday night’s town hall health care debate at Wade AME Church in LA when Rep. Diane Watson [D] made some astonishing comments including claims that those opposed to health care reform are attempting to destroy a president “who looks like me.” click here
August 31, 2009 -"Enough is enough, Harry" By Sherman Fredrick. Sherman Fredrick is certainly the man of the moment. In this newspaper article Mr. Fredrick sets senator Reid in his place when the senator decided to make threats to the newspaper and act as a child. Good job Sherman! Click here
August 31, 2009 -"Bartering for ammo and weapons" By Joseph Parish. I am a large supporter of having items that could be used for bartering in the event that the times get really bad and our infrastructure bottoms out. I believe some extra food would be advisable as would sufficient supplies of toilet paper and like products. However I find it difficult to even consider the thought of bartering ammo or weapons of any sort. Let’s face it, during the preparation stages I saved and purchased ammo to supply myself and my family for several years at best. While I may have sufficient quantities of ammunition to meet all my needs I would hesitate to supply such things to other people. Click here
August 31, 2009 - "Swine flu could hospitalize 2 million in U.S. this winter" By Thomas H. Maugh II. As many as 300,000 could clog intensive care units in heavily affected regions, a new report says. Nearly 2 million Americans could be hospitalized during this winter's novel H1N1 influenza pandemic, with as many as 300,000 clogging intensive care units in heavily affected regions, according to a report released Monday by the President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology. Click here
August 30, 2009 -"Can America end up with Civilian Prison Labor Camps?" By Joseph Parish. Our American Army units are legally authorized to establish civilian prisoner labor camps on the very lands of military installations that our taxes pay for. These actions are authorized by a little known regulation which permits these acts under the request of the Bureau of Prisons. This regulation is Army Regulation 210-35. This is not a newly established law laid out by the Obama administration but rather one that was defined under the Bush administration when they were expanding the presidential powers during any emergency situation. Click here
August 30, 2009 - "Are Ethnic specific Bio-weapons a Reality?" By Joseph Parish. What could be the most effective military weapon devised other then an Ethnic specific bio-weapon. At the desire of the federal government such a weapon could provide security and protection for a country without firing a single shot from conventional arms. Do you view this idea as a script for a potential science fiction movie? If so don’t jump to that conclusion so fast. Click here