Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Social Systems have drastic Problems

March 14, 2009 - "Our Social Systems have drastic problems" By Joseph Parish. Most working people will readily admit that they despise the current welfare system. In all surveys that are conducted among the working class it is felt that the welfare benefits should be immediately stopped. Unfortunately most people feel that if someone can not work due to their physical limitations or to an illness they should be provided social security. Folks this is certainly not the right approach to resolve this dilemma. I fully agree about placing a halt upon the welfare system but don't transfer the worthless assets to the social security system. Click here

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Deer are in the Garden

March 13, 2009 - "The Deer are in the Garden" By Joseph Parish. How often have you glanced out your backdoor only to catch a glimpse of a deer happily devouring your favorite tomato plants? It has happened to me in the past and it may happen to you now. Picture some over-weight, middle age man leaping out his backdoor to chase away some hungry deer and you have a picture of me doing the shoo-deer chase! Click here

Thursday, March 12, 2009

But I don't have a dehydrator

March 12, 2009 - "But I don’t have a dehydrator" By Joseph Parish. You perhaps may already be familiar with various ways to preserve food such as by canning, freezing or making jelly. If so you are in for an overwhelming surprise as you try to dehydrate your next year’s garden foods. Drying food is not difficult and the final product can certainly be a valuable asset to your kitchen foods. I have often heard people make excuses that “I can’t dry those foods because I do not have a dehydrator”. Click here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Should we be Mad?

March 11, 2009 - "Should we be mad?" By Joseph Parish. Well it seems like the old saying that persistence pays off is true. Congress has approved and sent its outrageous spending bill up to Obama for his final signature. Although some of the GOP members were completely against the bill it still passed without any sort of problems what-so-ever. Click here

Bug out Camp

March 11, 2009 - "Bug out Camp" By Joseph Parish. Everyday I pick up the daily newspaper and read about another small business closing their doors or even worse I see major corporations requesting additional government funds in order to continue their operations. These types of newspaper headlines tend to scare the dickens out of me. Obama’s budget breaking stimulus plan does not appear to be having much of an effect upon this situation in the least. Click here

A Case for the missing fertilizer

March 11, 2009 - "A case for the missing fertilizer. By Joseph Parish. Recently the world has been experiencing a rash of thief’s that center around common but dangerous farm chemical fertilizers. Please note, that I stress chemical based fertilizer as opposed to the “good ole” Elsie the cow type. Click here

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sharing articles with other Blogs

March 10, 2009 - As several other Blogs are well aware of it, I fully believe in sharing the written material that I have created with other like type blogs. A search of the internet will find many of my articles scattered all over the nation. I do in fact grant permission for any blog to copy and use the materials on this site if they leave my copyright notice as well as a link back to my web site or its associated blog in the entry. My attorney says that I need to make this offer available only to non commercial web sites. If you have a commercial site and would like to use any of my material please contact me. Please keep in mind that I make my living by writing. This does not however include those articles that are written and purchased by other organizations - only those on here. We are in this all together and the more we help each other the better prepared we will be.

Can Jocks get away with anything?

March 10, 2009 - "Can Jocks get away with anything?" By Joseph Parish. Give me a break! They are claiming that Charles Barkley is not receiving any sort of special treatment as he serves his 3 days in jail. Three days! Wow. Somehow that doesn’t seem like much time when you stop to consider the number of days that a victim from a drunken driving accident will spend in the grave. Click here

How your Spouse feels about your preparedness efforts

March 10, 2009 - "How your spouse feels about your preparedness efforts" By Joseph Parish. Years ago as I began to store up on food my family looked at me with strange glances. They really thought I had lost my marbles. Along came Y2K and as I increased my preparedness efforts the looks increased drastically. The going joke in the home was that the food being stored was my children’s inheritance. (Think about that statement for a few minutes and you will see the true value in it). Click here

Monday, March 9, 2009

Are we seeing the end of Lead Ammunition?

March 9, 2009 - "Are we seeing the end of Lead ammunition?" By Joseph Parish. It was Friday evening and my friend Wayne and I were having one of our usual survival topic conversations and the topic eventually got around to lead shot for shells. It seems that Wayne had notice something somewhere which stated that many of the states are considering banning Lead content in bullets and shotgun shells. Click here

On the value of MP3 Players in Bug Out Vehicles

March 9, 2009 - "On the value of MP3 Players in Bug Out vehicles" By Joseph Parish. When we reach the point of no return and have to make that ultimate decision as to stay or go we want to do so with as little discomfort as possible. I know this sounds a little petty however lets consider for one moment the amount of time that we could perhaps be in hiding. One month? Perhaps several months? Maybe even as much as 6 to 12 months. In a case like that I could just about guarantee that radio stations will no longer be broadcasting. Television will certainly be non-existent at this time. Even if the infrastructure was still present most operators and maintenance people would be with their families and not at work. Click here

Predicament of the Army mom

March 9, 2009 - "Predicament of the Army mom" By Joseph Parish. Here we have a grave situation. We have family responsibilities resting on the one hand while civil commitments lie squarely on the other. Usually both tend to balance each other in the proper manner and all works out well, however in the following case that scenario did not occur. Click here

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rhubarb Lamb Rub Jelly

March 8, 2009 - "Rhubarb Lamb Rub Jelly" By Joseph Parish. Every Easter my grandfather would make his lamb and without failure he would coat it with mint jelly. Needless to say I grew to dislike mint jelly greatly. As an adult I figured it was high time to come up with something a bit different then that which my grandfather used so I now use a Rhubarb jelly to do what the mint jelly did previously. Click here