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July 10, 2010 - "Is America Repeating History" By Joseph Parish. Being a great fan of the study of history I often compare various events from the history books to current situations as they are happening in real time. The old saying that history repeats itself is certainly true and readily shown in the newspapers and on television on a daily basis. However, sources are critical in this respect and I am a firm believer that when one undertakes to study history they must use as accurate of information as you possibly can. Click here
July 10, 2010 - "Organize for Survival" By Joseph Parish. If you are anything like I am when VHS tapes were the popular craze I stocked up on many of them. They were the perfect way to go about my daily affairs and business while at the same time recording important video programs for later viewing. Little did I realize that eventually they would be replaced by the smaller and thinner DVD’s. Click here
July 10, 2010 - "Despotism or Democracy? " Here's a question for you - Despotism or Democracy? Which society do you live in? The film was originally created by Encyclopedia Britannica shortly after World War II around 1945. It has been edited from the original and the total length trimmed down to make it more enjoyable, and of course, more ironic - given the current world situation, with some oppressive regimes all over the place - and the potential for concern regarding the Patriot Act in the USA and the actions of our current president. As such - while the original content is quite dated - the metrics used to measure the freedom in a society, remain very valid. Check it out - I think you'll enjoy it. Click here
July 9, 2010 - "P-Mate" Here's an interesting gadget that you might want to add to your bug out kit for the ladies in your group. This small item allows the women to Pee standing up. Although I can in no way vouch for the practicality of this item it certainly sounds logical. Click here
July 9, 2010 - "Running off in a Circle" By Joseph Parish. We have all heard tales of children becoming lost while hiking with friends in the Mountains. Usually these children became lost as a result of attempting to return to their campsite. In some cases the small child is generally never found. This kind of foolishness happens often and to adults as well as to children. It doesn’t matter what part of the country you live in the results are just as tragic and sad. Click here
July 9, 2010 - "Are we living under an administration with double standards?" By Joseph Parish. Recently Attorney General Eric Holder overturned the Department of Justice’s voter intimidation case against two Black Panther Party members. The situation transpired in Philadelphia during the 2008 poll voting. The case implicated several Black Panther members. The organizations new leader King Samir Shabazz freely spreads his hate for the white race and appeals to the blacks for the death of white people. click here
July 8, 2010 - "Business as Usual Spy Vs Spy" By Joseph Parish. Once again some Russian spies have been captured here in America and charged with being unregistered agents. Now, word has it that they will be exchanged for about ten of our spies that are being held in Russia. It’s the same routine as was used during the cold war. It’s nothing more then a typical spy vs. spy scenario. As they told us in Security Service it isn’t about what the other side knows but rather about how much. Click here
July 8, 2010 - "Processing Meat and Canning a New Soup" By Joseph Parish. I have several friends who do most of their own meat processing from bacon on up to quality beef steaks. In fact they are so dedicated to producing their own meats for their family’s consumption that they have erected a small meat processing house on their farm. In this facility they have all the necessary tools to successfully butcher the animals, process and finally package just about every type of meat imaginable. Click here
July 8, 2010 - "Duplicating the Olive Garden Walls" By Joseph Parish. We just purchased another home and our objective was to duplicate the wall looks that are found at the popular Italian restaurant Olive Garden. We had searched the internet and checked with out local builder’s supplies all to no avail in an effort to locate pre-made wall panels similar to those in the restaurant. Finally, we decided it was time to make the walls ourselves. Click here
July 7, 2010 - "Are the TSA Blocking your Website?" By Joseph Parish. Do you post negative remarks about President Obama on your website? Do you question the wisdom of our political leader’s judgment? Do you speak trash online pertaining to bills which the government is currently passing? If so then the Transportation Security Administration is likely banning your website from being viewed on their government computers. Internet usage is deemed a major predicament in that our government no longer considers it appropriate to have an opinion that isn’t sanctioned by our government itself. Click here
July 7, 2010 - "Handling Disasters While at Work" By Joseph Parish. If you were to be at your place of employment and all of a sudden you go to turn the light switch on and nothing happened you would likely not be disturbed in the least. After all, it may merely be a popped circuit breaker or the electric company may have lost a transformer somewhere along your electrical route. Perhaps someone had an automobile accident and an electric pole was knocked down. However, later when the electric failed to come back on and you discover your cell phone is totally dead as you head to your car your thoughts turns to concern. Click here
July 6, 2010 - "Places to Purchase Grain" By Joseph Parish. As any prepper would tell you one of the major supplies that you should stock up on is grain. Bread has been stated to be the staff of life and as long as you have a means of preparing bread and related products you can and will survive. In this short article I would like to relate to you a few of the places where you can obtain these necessary grain products at reasonable costs. They certainly would be worth storing up on. Click here
July 5, 2010 - "World Cup Angel of Death Nonsense" By Joseph Parish. It all started when a news reporter covering the World Cup games had nothing better to do then to undertake connecting the loses experienced by several teams to the appearance of a name rock star who was attending as a fan. I would hope the reporters agent would make an apology for the wasted time and space that the correspondent has done for his readers. It appears that Rock 'n' Roller Mick Jagger has supported several teams which are participating in the World Cup and they have all lost the match. In light of these defeats the articles writer has deemed Mr. Jaggers to be the World Cup Angle of Death. Click here
July 5, 2010 - "War Bread by Alonzo Taylor" During the war many people wondered why they had to conserve3 wheat and this problem was attacked by Alonzo Taylor in his book entitled "War Bread". It is highly possible that this same situation could reappear here in America in the future. Click here
July 4, 2010 - "Sallie Mae Heading to Delaware" By Joseph Parish. As I was watching the local news this evening I chanced upon a commentary that we had some new industry heading in our direction that could potentially endow our state with thousands of newly employed people. I found it to be remarkable how the local television station detailed that Sallie Mae was earnestly pondering the relocation of their headquarters from Reston Virginia to the northern Delaware vicinity. Click here