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January 22, 2011 - "Water for the Masses" By Joseph Parish. Human’s are unlike other mammals and they require an abundance of water in order to survive. When you think about it our bodies are composed of about 70% water. We find it in the body’s cells and it plays a vital function in just about every bodily process. In view of the value placed upon water by our body it is important that we quickly replace that water which is lost during our normal daily activities. Click here
January 22, 2011 - "Dehydrating Tomato Sauce" By Joseph Parish. After a recent survival group meeting which I attended, I returned home to do some of my famous experimenting. No longer is it necessary to purchase commercial instant tomato sauces such as those offered by “Mrs. Wages”. My goal today was to create a dehydrated tomato sauce product specifically designed for survivalist food storage. During a time of crisis I feel our best chances of survival lies in dehydrated food over those refrigerated or frozen entrees. Click here
January 21, 2011 - "Emergency Shelter Basics" By Joseph Parish. As you wander in the woods, night time is quickly approaching and you suddenly realize that you are hopelessly lost. You have inadvertently disregarded just about every survival trick you had been learned or been taught. You forgot and left your compass at home on your bedroom dresser. You brought no portable GPS with you and you have very few emergency supplies stored in your backpack. However you figure help should be here within a few hours – maybe. Possibly you would be well advised to construct an emergency shelter at this time. Click here
January 21, 2011 - "Using Your Food Storage reserves" By Joseph Parish. Nothing can be more discouraging than to store up on hundreds of pounds of food and when it is time to use it the prepper has no idea how to prepare it. If you are going to store up supplies for an emergency than its important that you understand ways for which you can incorporate those supplies into your food menus. Click here
January 20, 2011 - "You’ve been warned" By Joseph Parish. You have heard me preach of a potential food shortage but never heard me say when, well folks you’ll hear it now. You can expect a food shortage to occur in the spring of this year. In case you had not notice the prices of food in your grocery store is quickly escalating into the realm of unreasonable. This food shortage issue is not merely here in America but it is being felt worldwide. Click here
January 20, 2011 - "No More School the Government Shuts the Doors" By Joseph Parish. Well kids now you can look forward to not having to go to school. That’s right, it was bound to happen sooner or later as the economy continually grew worse and worse but now we are hearing that within the next couple of years the Detroit School System will close the doors to over half of their schools. Click here
January 20, 2010 - "Walton Feed Sale" Just a quick note here that Walton Feed has a sale on Imitation Italian sausage, BBQ and Sloppy Joe Protein textures in the event anyone is interested. I plan to stock up some several of these. They have them in the 2.5 and the number 10 cans. I am not sure how long they will be on sale. For a link to their website Click here
January 19, 2011 - "Wiping you know what without toilet paper" By Joseph Parish. In every survivalist mind we have the following question sitting and waiting an answer however in most cases the individual is too embarrassed to openly ask the question. I will save everyone the red face of mortification and bring the topic out into the open at this time. When preparing for emergency situations people are often curious as to what they would have to do about toilet paper usage when the infrastructure declines and possibly remains permanently disabled. Click here
January 18, 2011 - "More on Seed Saving" By Joseph Parish. Usually in the winter months our thoughts frequently turn to better weather topics such as our proposed garden which we plan to start in the springtime. Already we have been receiving seed catalogs from some of the major companies showing their tantalizing selection of seeds for this coming season. Click here
January 18, 2011 - "Achieving your Preparedness Goals" By Joseph Parish. Here it is January of a fresh new year and everyone is now talking about their personal goals that they have vowed to complete this year. Well, we all know what happens after the year has begun when we think about all our New Years resolutions. Most are placed at the wayside awaiting completion while more important aspects of life take the priority positions. Perhaps if there are any goals that should be kept it should be the ones relating to preparing for a disaster. Click here
January 17, 2011 - "Women in Ham Radio" By Joseph Parish. I am a firm believer that women can do just as much as men and my wife is living proof of that statement. Being in the military for twenty years I was required to be away from my family for months at a time and as such my wife quickly learned to do many of the usual tasks around the home that are traditionally reserved for the man of the house. Click here
January 17, 2011 - "Water Storage or Berkeley filter?" By Joseph Parish. As the curtain begins to close on our national government and chaos rules supreme we will quickly discover that the mighty dollar bill has lost its fascination and appeal while in its place are now bottles of fresh clean water or cans of urgently needed foods. Bartering will be the business technique by which all transactions will be accomplished. Click here
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January 16, 2011 - "Protection with Wasp Spray" By Joseph Parish. Last year there was a popular rumor floating around the internet that a person could effectively utilize common wasp spray in order to fend off an attacker. It appears that a lady was using common wasp and hornet spray as a means of self defense because it would safely shoot up to a distance of twenty feet and provided a greater measure of accuracy than she would get from the usual pepper spray. Click here
January 16, 2011 - "Oh No A stuck Gas Petal" By Joseph Parish. It was not that long ago that Toyota initiated a huge recall for one of their models which had the unsafe problem of the gas petal sticking. A few people had inquired as to what they could do if they encountered a similar situation with their current vehicle. There are a number of reasons that a gas petal can get stuck ranging from a floor mat being in the wrong spot to mechanical difficulties. Click here